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I absolutely love what I do as a Personal Event Coach with Get Movin’. As a former teacher, I know how much schools depend on these funds, now more than ever! As a volunteer and chairperson for 12 years while my daughters were in school, I understand first- hand the amount of time and hard work it takes! I volunteered for many fundraisers and programs, including Art Smart, Yearbook, Teacher Appreciation, Field Day, and Junior Great Books, and I was the chairperson for Reflections. Get Movin’ understands the challenges volunteers face and wants to help schools achieve their highest fundraising potential!
With Friends and Family
Rescuing Hard to Adopt Animals
Playing Tennis
We have used Get Movin’ Fundraising for the past 3 years and it has been AMAZING! The website is super easy to navigate. I love my yearly calls with Marcy Hale, my personal event coach. She is so easy to talk to and is always there when you need her.
Get Movin’ has drastically improved how our school does fundraising! Their program is so organized and well run! Using their platform is much more convenient over collecting papers and money ourselves. We have been using them for 3 years now and we tripled our fundraising efforts. Marcy has been amazing and has an open line of communication if we ever have a question.
Our elementary school has increased our fundraising totals by 500% since we began working with Marcy at Get Movin’! It has been so easy for our students and their families... and even better, it’s been easy for our event organizers!